Message from National Shomrim President Henri Portner
As mentioned the the previous newsletter, at our upcoming convention in January 2023, we will be voting for the next Executive Board. As per our Constitution, the slate must be presented 90 days prior to the convention. I am proud to present the candidates for the National Shomrim Executive Board 2023:
- President – Spenser Strauss, NYPD Shomrim
- Executive Vice President – David Rosenzweig, FDNY Ner Tamid (retired)
- First Vice President – Ben Gelber, NYPD Shomrim
- Second Vice President – David Appel, Shomrim of Illinois
- Treasurer – Marty Turetzky, NYPD Shomrim (retired)
- Recording Secretary – Scot Pomerantz, Port Authority Shomrim
- Corresponding Secretary – Betty Astrizky, Port Authority Shomrim (retired)
- Sergeant-at-Arms – Jeff Grossman, Texas Shomrim (in formation)
- Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms – Shevy Berkovits, Nassau Shomrim
- Marshall – Vacant
If any chapters members in good standing and any National Shomrim associate members current with their dues would like to place their names in nomination for any position on the Executive Board, please email Betty Astrizky and your name will be added to the slate. Also, the Marshall position is open, we welcome any chapter or National Shomrim associate member who would like to start working their way up on the Executive Board. Nominations will also be taken from the floor at the convention. All notifications for names to be placed on the ballot must be received no later than October 22, 2023.
Chapter presidents, if you are not planning on attending the convention please advise who will be representing your chapter at the convention. Please email Betty Astrizky or Marty Turetzky as soon as possible, or if your chapter will not be sending a member to the convention, you can email Betty or any other National Shomrim Executive Board member, designating that person to vote in your absence (check with them to make sure they’re attending the convention).
The popular “Coffee with a Cop” event wasn’t so popular with two of our chapters recently. NYPD and the Sharon, Massachusetts Police Department scheduled this meet and greet with their communities on Yom Kippur. Both chapters jumped on this conflict and got assurances from their departments that they would not schedule this or any other event on a major Jewish holiday. Chapters, please remember to keep on top of your departments so they will be sensitive to the needs of our Jewish officers and fire fighters, and if you see they aren’t cooperative, let us know and if needed we can assist.
Last call for the NYPD Shomrim Society’s 97th Annual Louis Weiser Memorial Service and Breakfast on Sunday, October 23, 2022, at 0800 at Congregation Emanu-El, East 65th Street and Fifth Avenue, NYC. Among the honorees will be Nassau County Lt. and Nassau Shomrim Past President and current National Shomrim Marshall Shevy Berkovits; and the late NYPD Detective Mordechai Dzikansky. Tickets are available at and are $35.00 advance and $40.00 at the door. Please visit their website,, for more information.
On Thursday, November 3, 2022, Shomrim of Philadelphia will honor Past President Larry Nodiff as he retires from the Philadelphia Police Department after 48 years of service. Celebrate this great occasion with them at Ponzio’s Restaurant, 7 Route 70, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. The price is $48.00 per person. Please RSVP to Past President Merrill Kelem at no later than Monday, October 31, 2022.
Shomrim of Illinois 61st Annual “Community Heroes Awards Reception” will take place on Thursday, November 3, 2022, at the Hilton Doubletree Hotel in Skokie, Illinois at 6:00 p.m. To purchase tickets and ads in the 2022 Program Book, please visit their website, Tickets are $125.00 per person and are tax deductible, as they are a 501 (c)(3) organization. RSVP ASAP!
South Florida Shomrim Society’s Annual Dinner Dance will be held on Thursday, November 10, 2022, at Temple Solel, 5100 Sheridan Street in Hollywood, Florida. Over 200 guests and supporters of Shomrim attend each year, and ticket prices are tax deductible, as South Florida Shomrim is a 501(3)(3) charitable organization. Individual tickets are $125.00 per person, with opportunities for table purchases and ad opportunities. Please email, or visit their website,, to purchase tickets.
Save the date for Port Authority Shomrim’s annual Chanukah Menorah Lighting on Thursday, December 22, 2022 at the WTC Oculus. Details will be in a future newsletter, so chapter presidents, forward all your Chanukah plans to the Corresponding Secretary as soon as they are set.
Port Authority Shomrim President Scot Pomerantz will be running the iconic NYC Marathon on Sunday, November 6, 2022, as a member of the Tunnels to Towers team. Scot is raising funds for this great organization that helps the families of fallen police officers, fire fighters and members of the military, and have recently announced they will give any support necessary to the uniformed members who have been affected by Hurricane Ian in southwest Florida. Please donate any amount to Scot’s team, which is of course tax deductible. Follow the link, https://dogood.t2t/fundraiser/3839099, and don’t forget to see Scot run, run Scot run, on race day.
There was a big celebration in the Lone Star State recently as the Texas A & M and San Antonio Police Department congratulated Jeff Grossman as he retired. After 35 years of service, Jeff is taking a well deserved vacation while he contemplates his next move. He’ll continue his quest to organize a Shomrim of Texas chapter, and his many friends and coworkers threw an awesome retirement party for him at a local restaurant. Welcome to the check of the month club Jeff!
Congratulations to Shomrim of Northern California Secretary Saul Jaeger on graduating from the FBI National Academy. Saul is a Captain with the Mountain View (CA) Police Dept.
Ian Wilson, the Food and Beverage Director for the Rhapsody of the Seas cruise ship, received his Certificate of Kosher Training and Commendation Letter from South Florida Shomrim Chaplain Rabbi David Weberman on board the ship during its Haifa summer sailings. Rabbi Weberman was instrumental in training Royal Caribbean’s staff on the intricacies of kosher food and had kosher food facilitators overseeing this new operation.
Retired NYPD Shomrim member Barry Mandel is is dire need of a kidney donor. The flyer (below) has all the information. If you can help by sharing among your chapters, friends and community it would be a great mitzvah, as our teachings command us to save a life whenever it is possible.
Port Authority Shomrim was saddened to learn that long time member Arnold Katz passed away April 13, 2022. Arnold was appointed to the Port Authority Police in 1954. Assigned to the Lincoln Tunnel, he retired after 20 years of service and beat the pension fairy for an astounding 48 years. Rest in eternal peace.
Shomrim of Illinois was also sad to announce the passing of life and founding member Bernard Shuman. Bernie served on their chapter’s Board of Directors for many years and was an active participant in many events. He was a mentor to many young officers of the Chicago Police Department. Graveside services were held on September 22, 2022. Sincere condolences to Bernie’s wife Arlene and his family.
CHAPTER PRESIDENTS! Once again, if you are not planning on attending the National Shomrim convention in January 2023, please forward your proxy to either Betty Astrizky at or Marty Turetzky at no later than December 30, 2022. If you are sending a representative to the convention, please notify either Betty or Marty as well and by the date mentioned. It is important so that we have a quorum for voting purposes. As mentioned earlier in the newsletter, send in your Chanukah events to Betty Astrizky so they will be included in the next newsletter. If you don’t tell us about upcoming plans then we can’t send it out. Chapter members, please send your dues and donations directly to your chapters. The year is coming to a close and our chapters rely on your cooperation to keep activities going. So please contact your chapter and keep yourself current and involved. Donations are also gratefully accepted!
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS! There are several associate members who have not sent in their 2022 dues. We do not want to drop any of you, on the contrary, we want you involved and active in National Shomrim. Think about joining us for one of many events in 2023 – there’s still time to join us at our National Convention on board the brand new Celebrity Beyond, January 22-29, 2023. Contact our official cruise planner Tony Lostumbo at for information. There’s also chapter events planned for Chanukah, dinners, volunteer opportunities and one of our most popular and well attended event, the Celebrate Israel Parade, scheduled for Sunday, June 4, 2023 in New York City. It’s never too early to make plans to march with us up the world famous Fifth Avenue. It’s a great day and we want as many of you as possible to attend. We’re asking all associate members to begin sending in their 2023 dues as well. Keep reading, the bottom of this newsletter will have information where to send them, so keep your membership current and more importantly, become involved. Our Facebook page is constantly updated with job opportunities, so don’t forget to “like” it!